School Grants
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Application date:
Sunday 9th March 2025
School Details
School name
Number of pupils
Index of Multiple Deprivation Decile
How to ascertain your IMD decile
Pupil premium
School type
Please select…
Infant (only)
Junior (only)
Estate school
Estate school type
Please select…
Marsh Gibbon
Early Years setting
School address
Address line 1
Address line 2
Please select…
Hampshire (only if in the vicinity of Ramridge)
Applicant Details
First name
Last name
Job title
Email address
School Office / School Business Manager Details
First name
Last name
Telephone number
Please use numbers and spaces only.
Email address
Headteacher Details
First name
Last name
Email address
Application Details
Describe the specific nature of the proposed activity the grant would support
We suggest no more than 50 words
Year groups supported
Early years
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Year 13
How many vulnerable pupils would the grant support
Provide a breakdown of the items that need funding
Total financial amount being requested
Activity / event start date
Activity / event end date
Provide a brief description of the expected outcome and benefits for the pupils
Tell us how you became aware that you could apply to EEE for a grant
Please select…
EEE contacted us
Another school informed us
We saw an advert / flier
Online research
Word of mouth
Additional supporting documentation (optional).
Should you wish to provide additional information please upload a PDF or image file, 4 MiB max filesize
Submit Application